Starting Out As An Owner/Operator? Why You Should Work With A Less Than Truckload Freight Broker

If you're the owner/operator of a shipping company, the slow season can wreak havoc on your finances. One way to avoid the slow downs is to work with a less-than-truckload (LTL) broker. Most truckers prefer to work with a full-load since the income is better. However, there's a lot to be said for brokering LTL shipments. Here are four benefits you'll gain from brokering LTL loads for your truck.

Consolidate Your Loads

When you're an owner/operator, you're constantly looking for ways to improve your bottom line. One way to do that is through LTL loads. One of the benefits of running LTL is that they allow you to consolidate your loads. That means you'll be carrying multiple loads for multiple companies each time to take off on a delivery run. The benefit of this is that you avoid the dreaded empty space in your trailer. An added benefit is that you're being paid by multiple parties to transport your shipments. 

Avoid Costly Downtime

If you're not running LTL loads, you may experience significant downtime during the slow season. Unfortunately, each episode of downtime translates into lost revenue. As a result, your truck will be sitting empty and you won't be getting paid for your time. When you work with an LTL broker, you won't have to worry about costly downtime. You'll be busy running LTL loads throughout the slow season, which means you'll be getting paid while other owner/operators struggle for work. 

Reduce Risk of Weight Constraints

When you're an owner/operator, you need to worry about weight constraints. Running a shipment that's over the weight limit can lead to serious troubles at the scales. In fact, if you're over the weight limit on shipment, you could be forced to offload some of your cargo before you're allowed to continue on your way. One of the benefits of running LTL loads is that they're lower in weight as well, which means you won't get delayed at the scales. 

Move Yourself Up the Board

If you're just starting out as an owner/operator, you may not have the experience you need to stay busy with shipments. One way to gain experience and get your name out there is to work with a less-than-truckload freight broker. As you work with your broker, you'll gain recognition, which will move your name up the board. As a result, you'll have the opportunity to secure additional work.

Contact a company like Move Freight for more information.
